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Michael Kenneth Hemp 'Cannery Row' Presentation



Join Author & Historian Michael Kenneth Hemp, as he describes connections between Gig Harbor and Tacoma Croatian Built Boats, Monterey’s Sicilian Fishermen and a Whole Lot More!

Mark your calendars for a historical presentation at the Eddon Boatyard House by Monterey-Cannery Row and maritime Pacific Northwest historian Michael Kenneth Hemp.

The topics of this archival photographic presentation include historical timelines of west coast settlement, migration, first peoples, inter-connected fisheries, skilled boatbuilding and world famous literary and ecological events—all of which have been largely obscured until now.

In 1983, Michael Hemp established the Cannery Row Foundation in Monterey, California, to preserve its disappearing historical identity. Michael’s first edition of his history of Cannery Row was published in 1986; it is now in its 5th edition. Hemp’s research has established the importance of the California and Washington historic, social, fishing industry and ecological shared connections. Join Michael as he explains how Cannery Row, Gig Harbor, and the rest the maritime Pacific Northwest, have surprising shared historical experience. 

A special topic will focus on the 1937 Tacoma-built Western Flyer, and its world-fame that emanated from her 1940 charter to Mexico’s Sea of Cortez by Pulitzer and Nobel winning author John Steinbeck and pioneering ecologist and marine biologist Ed Ricketts. The presentation will include a Q & A time and a book signing of “CANNERY ROW, The History of John Steinbeck’s Old Ocean View Avenue and Its Connections to the Pacific Northwest.”

February 10

John Richardson - Canoeing the Arctic Presentation

March 30

Lead Shipwright Tim Lee discusses the rebuilding of ‘Western Flyer’